Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pen study of village


Teuvo Vehkalahti said...

Greetings from Finland. This blog is fun to explore, through other countries, people, culture and nature. Come take a look Teuvo pictures on my blog and tell all your friends, why you should visit Teuvo pictures on my blog, because that may be your country's flag to rise higher in my blog. Merry began 2011 years Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
Ps Intiasta pitäisi saada kymmenen (10) vierasta, että 100 käviää täyttyisi, Teuvo

soujanya said...

Thank you Teuvo! Indeed, you are right. It is fun to explore other countries' people, culture and nature. :)

Ravi Ranjan said...

very nice bold drawing, good perspective and proportion you have maintained .... very very good work ... keep drawing..

soujanya said...

Thank you Ravi :)

Ravi Kalluri said...

You are good with drawing cows! :)

soujanya said...

hahha thanks ravi.... but sometimes am not that lucky! :P